Many people come to us to achieve a perfect smile and one of the comments we hear a lot after treatment is “why did I wait so long?”.  Of course, we are always delighted when a patient loves their new smile, but we just can’t answer why they waited!  Here are eight good reasons why you shouldn’t either.

  1. It’s easier than you think

Getting started on achieving a smile you can feel confident about begins with booking a consultancy appointment.  We will talk you through your options and together we’ll agree which brace system will be best for you.  We’ll schedule a fitting appointment and, once the braces are fitted, you will have regular check-up appointments with us so we can keep an eye on progress.   The fitting and removal processes are completely painless and, while it can take a few days to get used to your new braces, they are comfortable and discreet to wear.

  1. It’s faster than you think

A treatment can last up to 14 months, depending on the brace system you decide upon and how many teeth we straighten.  However, today’s modern brace systems are very effective – especially when you combine them with our SureSmile service, a new way of crafting precision braces.  Achieving the smile you want can take as little as six months.

  1. It won’t make you talk funny

Many patients worry that after they have their new braces fitted, it will affect their speech.  This is a particular concern for those patients for whom public speaking is an important part of their job, or for younger patients who are more sensitive about their appearance.  However, there is no need to worry.  Wearing braces won’t make you talk funny!  One of our patients who had this concern shares her experience here.

  1. They aren’t that noticeable

Getting used to your braces can take a few days and, during that time, it isn’t uncommon to feel self-conscious about wearing them.  In general, however, most of our patients report how surprised they are about few people notice their new braces.  This is because we offer a range of different braces that are almost invisible – either because they are fitted behind the teeth, or because they are completely clear.  You simply choose the system with which you feel most comfortable.

  1. You don’t have to change what you eat or drink

Some of our patients do ask us whether they need to change what they eat or drink when they have braces.  But there is no need.  If you choose removable aligners, you can take them out while you eat – just ensure you put them in again afterwards!  If you choose fitted braces, you can eat as normal.  In the past, some systems did require users to avoid certain types of food because they could become discoloured.  Today’s modern brace systems don’t have this problem – so you can eat whatever you like.

  1. It’s a huge boost to your confidence

So many of our patients come to us feeling embarrassed about their teeth and reluctant to smile.  When they walk into the treatment room after a successful course of treatment with a new, confident smile it truly is a wonderful transformation.  Giving our patients the confidence to smile without embarrassment is one of the most rewarding aspects of our work.  There’s no reason to continue to be embarrassed to smile when getting a smile you can feel confident of is so easy.

  1. Why wait for a big event?

It is quite common for patients to decide to perfect their smile in advance of a big life event, such as a significant birthday or a wedding.  But why wait for an excuse?  Not only can you start enjoying your new smile straight away, you won’t have dental appointments clogging up your diary during the lead up to the big day.

  1. Our team are super-friendly and professional

If you have concerns about wearing a brace or changing your smile, that’s only natural.  If we haven’t covered your concern here, our team can answer your questions.  Simply book a consultation and we will walk you through your options and answer all the questions you have.  You can also hear about some of the other queries our patients have had prior to treatment by watching our video case studies.  Find them here.

Today’s brace systems are discreet, comfortable, and fast working – achieving your perfect smile is easier than ever to achieve.  There’s no reason to put off getting the smile you desire – book an appointment with our team and we can help you explore your options.