Thursday 22 May 


Drop in to 11 Devonshire Place after work or bring your child after school.

This will be a relaxed, informal opportunity to look around our award-winning practice, meet the Team and ask questions about any dental and orthodontics issues. National Smile Month starts that week so it seems the perfect time to open the doors!

We know that an increasing number of adults are keen to know about invisible orthodontics –  particularly lingual braces which are placed behind the teeth – and we will explain about how SureSmile technology reduces the time needed to straighten teeth.

Parents may want to bring children to find out about our caring, preventative ethos and  if and when ortho work may be necessary.

Older people may be interested in finding out more about dental implants and their advantages versus dentures or how cosmetic dentistry can improve the aesthetics of their smile.

We look forward to seeing you then!