Getting a brace fitted can seem like a big decision – until you’ve got your new brace and you realise how little it interferes with your life! Nevertheless, it is quite normal – and responsible – to have questions before any treatment.

Here are some answers to the questions we get asked a lot.

What type of brace do I need?

Here at Elleven Dental we offer a number of different treatments:

Each has its own characteristics, so you’ll need to book an appointment with our London orthodontic team to decide which treatment is right for you.

How long will I need to wear it?

Typically, you’ll need to wear your brace for between 12 and 18 months, but this will depend on the type of brace system you choose and your own particular treatment and treatment objectives. Read more about this here.

Will the brace cause me to lisp or sound funny?

No. This is a question we get asked a lot, particularly by people for whom public speaking is an intrinsic part of their professional life. There is no need to worry; after a short period of adjustment you will not even notice your braces are there! And they certainly will not affect your speech.

Will I still be able to eat everything I love?

Some of our brace treatments use removable braces and, if you choose one of these systems, so you can remove your retainers while you eat. However, there is no reason to think that you can’t eat what you like even when you choose one of our treatments that use fitted braces.

Very hard or crunchy foods, such as raw carrot, French bread, and crisps, can damage a fitted brace and should be avoided. You should avoid chewing gum throughout your treatment. And you might wish to stick to soft foods for a few days after the braces are first fitted while you get used to your new brace. However, generally you can eat as you did before.

Will it hurt?

No, wearing your brace shouldn’t be painful. You may experience some discomfort for a couple of days immediately after fitting, but this should soon pass. If you do experience serious discomfort, you should return to your dentist for a check-up. Instances like this are very rare; most of our patients tell us that after a few day’s they don’t even notice it’s there.

How can I clean my brace?

Again, this will depend on the brace system you have chosen.

Removable braces can be cleaned using your normal toothpaste – be careful not to drop the brace while cleaning it.

If you have chosen a fixed brace, inter-dental brushes can help you to keep it clean; they are ideal for cleaning around the brackets of a fixed brace.

Will wearing a brace affect the way I play sport?

No, but you will need to look after your brace while playing sport.

If you have a removable brace, remove it and store it in your brace case while you play sport. If you have a fixed brace, depending on the sport you are playing, you might wish to wear a mouth guard designed for the purpose – ask our team for more details.

Is there anything I will have to avoid while wearing my brace?

Wearing a brace is a great time to kick bad habits like chewing pens or biting nails as these can damage your brace. Since they are not good for your teeth either, it makes sense to take the opportunity to kick the habit!

Why did I wait so long?

We hear this question far too often and, unfortunately, we don’t have an answer to this one…